Spear of destiny
Spear of destiny

Thawne was jailed on the Waverider but later escaped, only to be confronted by Ray with a gun.

spear of destiny

Īfter defeating Eobard Thawne in a space fight in 1970, Ray wins the fourth and final fragment on the moon. Stargirl informed the Legends that Henry Heywood/Commander Steel had the final fragment of the spear but didn't know where or when he was, as they thought it would be safer if none of the team knew where Rip was taking them. Later, the Legends traveled to the year 507, where they fought Damien Darhk and Rip Hunter in Camelot with the help of Courtney/Stargirl, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table, and gained the third fragment.

spear of destiny

Soon after, Rip traveled into the future to Chicago in the year 3000, killed Charles/Dr. Rip managed to force Jax to reveal where the fragment was and took it for the Legion. The Legion of Doom then had Rip's mind altered to become their ally and sent him to 1776, where he killed George Washington to lure the Legends there so that he could get their piece of the Spear. They almost had it, but were defeated by the Legends, who took it for themselves. The Legion of Doom proceeded to go to 1967, finding the location of Rip's fragment of the Spear. After encountering the Legends in 1927 Chicago, the united Askaran Amulet showed the location of the Spear. Sometime after helping The Flash undo Flashpoint, Eobard Thawne began seeking the Spear to restore his existence in the timeline while teaming up with Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn, who wished to change their respective destinies. Frustrated with the film, "Phil" had the props thrown out by George Lucas.

spear of destiny

Due to this, he was transported to Los Angeles in 1967, where his memory was rewritten and he used the fragment as a prop in a film he was trying to make. With a nearly-destroyed Waverider, Rip used his fragment of the Spear of Destiny to allow him to touch the ship's time drive. Deciding that the Time Masters couldn't be trusted with such a powerful artifact, they split the spear into four fragments, Rip sending the others into three different time periods with a member of the JSA for safekeeping, while keeping his own aboard the Waverider.

spear of destiny

In 1956, the Justice Society of America (without Obsidian) were sent by President Ike Eisenhower to Leipzig to retrieve the Spear of Destiny after supposedly being contacted by Rip Hunter. Rip Hunter and the JSA retrieve the Spear of Destiny. The Spear of Destiny was used in Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Spear of destiny